All information provided in Award applications will be used strictly by the Judges for the Award process.
The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium 2009 Award for Leadership in Innovation recognizes Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) for their ability to build an organization that fosters innovation while supporting current business strategy.
“ … The MIT Sloan Award for IT Innovation brought many more visitors to see our innovative ‘stock market’ idea come to life. The Award made a huge difference to influence others as well…”
Nominees must hold the title of either CIO or CTO. In the medical community, the title of Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO) is also eligible.
Symposium Registration is not required to be an Award nominee but is encouraged.
While the deadline for receiving a completed application is Friday, May 1, 2009 at midnight Eastern, submitting the completed application as early as possible is strongly encouraged.
If you wish to apply for the award or nominate a colleague for the award, simply create a username and password here. Once you login with your new account, we ask for some basic details about you and you can then start to fill in the application or nominate a colleague. Good luck!
The Award will be publicized via:
Nominees may be either self-nominated or nominated by another individual.
The following information will be requested:
Award nomination applications will be stored in a secure location for our distinguished judges to review.
Judges will have the option to audit any claims made in nomination applications. Any nomination found to contain inaccurate information will be disqualified.
Judges may request additional information from the nominee in writing.
The judging process will be described at the Award , to be held during the Symposium plenary session on May 20th.
Judges will select the Award winner. All decisions are final.
The goal of this award is to recognize CIOs for their Leadership in envisioning and executing Innovation in their organizations.
A panel of CIOs, industry thought leaders and MIT-affiliated professionals will act as judges.
Applicants will be judged on the following criteria:
Organizational Leadership—ability to build an IT organization with the right skills, technologies and processes to support current business strategies and enable innovation. The ability to respond to changing economic conditions to re-align resources, including partnering externally/internally, changing funding models or adjusting priorities to maintain the ability to innovate. Creating an environment that rewards innovation.
Business Collaboration—ability to engage broadly within the business and outside to key stakeholders to understand the sources of business value and collaborate on business and IT initiatives that will increase the organization’s business value or enhance its position within its industry/sector.
Sustainable Innovation–-ability to maintain innovation, even in times of economic challenge or industry change. Examples of innovation that were enable by an organization adept at balancing balance day-to-day business demand with the need to innovate.
Phase 1: Quantitative Scoring
A team of judges score each application by the following weights:
Each application will be read by 3 judges to assure consistent scoring.
The top 10 applications will pass to the next phase. The top 10 will be announced in a Press Release.
Phase 2: Detailed Analysis
A team of 5-7 judges will read each application and rank order the application based on the following criteria:
Judges will meet to discuss ranking and select top 4 to pass to next phase.
Top 4 will pass to next phase. These four finalists will be notified personally to allow preparation.
Phase 3: Interviews
Team of 3 MIT-affiliated judges will interview the four finalists to pick the winner.
The winner will be notified privately to allow time to prepare a 15-minute speech.
Results will be announced at May 2009 MIT CIO Symposium during a luncheon event.
The Award program is part of the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium scheduled to be held on May 20, 2009 on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) campus, in Cambridge, MA at Kresge Auditorium and nearby buildings. These buildings are located on the western section of campus, directly across the street from MIT’s main entrance at 77 Massachusetts Avenue.
The Award will be held during the luncheon at which all Symposium attendees are invited.
Award nomination applications will be stored in a secure location. All information provided in Award applications will be used strictly by the Judges for the Award process.
Other members of the Business Media press will be registered and in attendance at the Symposium and may request interviews. Award activities during the luncheon will be open to them. Interviews are optional, but encouraged.
We wish you the best of luck and look forward to your application. If you have any questions, please contact the Award Administrators Ellen Quackenbush and Naeem Hashmi at